Schrödinger Local Installation Guide
Prerequisites: * Server license is already installed and configured for the group. * User needs a personal
Molecular Modeling Lab |
A very short guide for installing python packages (pymol in this example) as a non-privileged user, inside a (python) virtual environment created with conda (miniconda).
Set conda installation home (CHOME) in bash:
export CHOME=/home/myhome
Download (mini)conda with wget (always download the latest version if you want to use python latest version):
wget -O
Install miniconda in $CHOME/miniconda:
bash -b -p $CHOME/miniconda
Set path for executing conda (needed once):
export PATH="$CHOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH"
Create a virtual environment named "pymol" with python 3.9 and numpy
(python version in virtual environment may differ from system-wide)
conda create -n pymol python=3.9 numpy -y
Set conda enviroment variables (needed every time you use virtual environment):
. $CHOME/miniconda/etc/profile.d/
Activate "pymol" virtual environment, i.e. work with python and packages in "pymol" virtual environment, not those system-wide:
conda activate pymol
Install (see 9. for open-source package) licensed pymol package from conda/schroedinger repos (30 days trial or a license is needed):
conda install -c conda-forge -c schrodinger pymol-bundle
Install (see 8. for licensed package) open-source pymol package from conda repos:
conda install -c conda-forge pymol-open-source
Deactivate "pymol" virtual enviroment (or exit shell), i.e. clean up current shell, if needed:
conda deactivate
Run pymol in a new shell:
. $CHOME/miniconda/etc/profile.d/
conda activate pymol